Hello!! Last week we had a great guest speaker come to our class to talk about the women in computing. Her name was Amelia Marsh. I thought her presentation was very interesting teaching the class about how low the percentage is for women working in the computer programming field. There are a couple areas that have a higher percentage, but overall, there needs to be more women working in this area of study. We were asked questions to answer if University of Arizona’s computer programming track does not discriminate towards women wanting to study. I heard my classmates response and I was really astonished at the answers. One women in our class explained that she started with a computer programming major, but changed to ITSA major because the men in her classes did not want to listen to her input since they automatically thought she was wrong since she was a women. The movie I explained in my last post distinctly explained that women and men have the same capacity of learning if they are brought up the same exact way. It really took me by surprise that so many women are intimidated to major in computer programming because of how they are treated in the classes on campus here. Here is a link to basically explain why there are not enough women computer programmers. Another subject we spoke about is the game League of Legends. This game was being researched for having a problem with discouraging new players to play the game. Older users were using abusive language based on having a bad day. Researchers attempted to fix the problem with pop ups, or nudges, to influence behavior change. This lead to new and older players being more successful in the game. I think it was very interesting how they had to choose specific colors to correlate towards less abusive language being said.
Photo from: http://www.businessinsider.com/more-evidence-of-sexism-on-github-2016-2