Monday, April 3, 2017

4/3 Post

Hello everyone!! Last week we spoke much about “open culture”. Open culture are softwares that are have free licensing for anyone to use their sources. The four freedoms that are involved are using, studying, sharing, and modifying. All these four freedoms contribute to a public domain making America so successful in public markets. For Thursday’s homework we had to watch a movie called RIP: Remix Manifesto. It is an hour and a half all about how people should have their right to sample parts of audio or video sources to create their own masterpieces. I think copyright laws are outrageous with how much they fine people and other repercussions people face. If people are able to cite articles online written by others to make their essays better, why can not people who want to use audio and video do the same? We are at the day and age that audio and video is what control how we see ads or public service announcements. We also had to watch a ted talk with Lawrence Lessig. Lessig is a major player in the realm of the copyright laws and people’s cases. Here is a link about him. He spoke about laws that choke creativity. He said something that was very interesting remixing videos or audio is not privacy, someone is just saying or doing something differently. He related to how people had to change their thoughts on trespassing as airplanes would fly over head their properties. When new laws were enacted they did not think of airplanes as trespassing anymore. If people would think that others are using their music for good and not to negatively manipulate their songs, this idea of copyright infringement would have a whole other idea behind it.

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  1. I agree, if we can cite articles then why can't the same be done with videos and audio if done in a method of learning or explaining. The fines are very absurd too. It seems the laws are no where near the current times and as technology only gets more complicated, laws are going to be needed in order to catch up. However, all laws take time and it might be too soon to expect the law makers to respond in a fast manner but hopefully this will happen soon.

  2. Amanda, great post! I totally agree that people are trying to steal other peoples money and charging them so outrages amounts of money. I loved when you mentioned " If people are able to cite articles online written by others to make their essays better, why can not people who want to use audio and video do the same?" I think this is a really powerful statement because we do all go of one another work and most of the time it is not original. Everyone should get credit but it does not need to be handled the way some many people are doing it.
